What Is an Artwork File and Why Is It Important for Printers?

An artwork file ensures your trusted print provider can do your design justice. You’ve designed a spectacular brochure or bespoke print project that’s sure to get your consumers talking - but is it going to look the same in their hands as it does on your screen? 

We recommend going over the specifications with your print provider early on so you don’t run into issues later down the line. To help you avoid costly reruns, last-minute campaigns and disappointing designs, we’ve shared our expert insight. 

Straight From the Printer’s Mouth 

With an online campaign chomping at the bit but reliant on compelling printed materials, it’s easy to neglect the fundamentals. Although it might seem like a great way to claw back some time, making sure your design is available as a print-ready file is essential for efficiency. Not just for you, but for your printer of choice too. With this file, you avoid the risky back and forth that delays your project further. 

Here at B&B Press, we have over 60 years of experience in the printing game and we want to make the important process of preparing artwork for print simple. That way, you can concentrate on producing high-quality design work that resonates with your customers and we can continue doing what we do best, print!

So what can you do to make sure we receive that all-important file with all the information we need to produce high-quality print? Here are some resources to help you out. 

  • First things first, are you working in the right design software? JPEG, TIFF, PDF, AI, PSD and AI - these are just a handful of file formats you can find living in your folders. Whether you’re an InDesign professional or use Illustrator for creating scalable graphics, we’ve gone in-depth about how to get print-ready files from each popular Adobe design program here. Even if you’re a novice, there’s key information to takeaway. 

  • From working in the right colour space to defining bleed and margins, it can all get a bit confusing. If you need some quick tips to get you started, you should bookmark this blog for later

  • The relationship between image resolution and print quality is one you need to pay close attention to. When preparing your artwork for print, we recommend having at least 300DPI for your image. For deeper insight on pesky image resolutions plus tips to get the perfect pic, take a look at this blog

  • Process and spots colours are the two most widely accepted colour forms used in the printing industry. CMYK or PMS, which colour is right for your print project? We’ve gone into the differences and where they’re best placed for your printed materials over on this blog

  • Most printers will offer a soft proof free of charge if you need some reassurance your design is going to look like you imagined. It simulates the appearance of your final piece and can be emailed over for approval. They’re great for simple jobs like business cards. You can learn more about print proofs and the part they play in professional printing here

If you’re unsure whether you have a press-ready file or finished design, we are happy to help - just give us a shout. With considerations like rasters, vectors and file formats, it’s understandable to be a bit baffled. If you want to unpack the confusion involved with getting your artwork print-ready, we’ve got just the guide for you. 

Want to Prepare Your Artwork File for Printing With Guidance From Print Veterans? 

Making sure your file is a PDF is the least of your worries. You want to deliver wonderfully irresistible printed materials that live and breathe your ethos. 

Here at B&B Press, we’re always trying to make it easier for our customers. That’s why we’ve created a step-by-step guide for any artwork going to print which includes a preset file. Stress-free and easy to use, it ensures everything is ready to print. 

For more tips on preparing artwork for print, you can contact an expert printing professional like B&B Press or download our FREE guide full of tips on getting the best results when creating brilliant print. 

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Best of Green
Printing Tips

You’re probably well aware of the growing importance and demand of eco-friendly products.

Modern technology has made these kinds of items increasingly cheaper to produce and more visually appealing. They’re a great way of lowering your business’ environmental impact - but how exactly do you produce the best kind of print using these methods?

Our checklist will give you the best advice for creating an impactful sustainable print solution.