How Effective Are Brochures in Marketing for New Builds & Developments?

Buying a house is one of the biggest transactions a person will ever make. It’s a huge decision that needs lots of time and consideration before making a commitment. We may live in a digital world, but never underestimate the power of print in helping prospective buyers make that all-important decision.

 Brochures on wooden table Twitter

There's something special about printed marketing and having something to hold in your hands rather than just looking at a screen. But how effective are brochures in marketing for housing?

Digital Marketing vs. Print Marketing

Digital marketing may seem like the best way to attract buyers, but it’s actually less effective than print marketing - and it’s been proven.

A study carried out in Canada showed that printed marketing is both easier to understand and more memorable than digital. Plus, consumers who received direct mail in the study were able to remember the brand 75% of the time. Consumers who received digital-only versions could only recall the brand 44% of the time. 

When potential buyers are searching for their dream home, they want to feel something the first time they see the listing and it’s got to stick in their minds. With a printed brochure, they’ll be more receptive to what they’re viewing, making a greater first impression. 

Take a look at the example below that we did for Nest. It’s a fantastic example of just how good LED UV looks on uncoated stock and how it creates a brochure that says "pick me up". 

It shows all the different textures and tiny details - great for showing off unique homes. The beautiful combination of great design and brilliant print creates something that’s eye-catching, enticing people to take a closer look.

Nest brochure

To entice readers to view the home in your brochure, it’s important to have pages adorned with beautiful, sleek images like the ones you see below. Using the right printing techniques, these images will remain crisp, vibrant and clean, even on print. 


Why Tangible Content Is Better

Print advertising provides tangibility. As people are spending more and more time online, they actually want to break free from their screens. In fact, 78% of people said they prefer reading on paper.

Online marketing is filled with ads, pop-ups and notifications, but a brochure is different. There are no distractions. PDFs have their place, but they’re nothing compared to a beautiful brochure. 

To get a buyer to be intrigued, they need to be attracted and compelled by the homes they see and you can do this by using all of their senses through printed marketing. With a brochure, your audience can feel the crisp, smooth paper, embrace the new brochure smell and the sound of the page-turning. They could even taste the brochure if they really wanted to! It all works together to create an impression that lasts. 

With digital housing brochures, an individual can easily miss or scroll past the home that’s perfect for them. But with print, there are no distractions and the reader is forced to physically flick through the pages. Brochures provide your audience with something quick and easy to reference. They can create ‘dog ears’ on the homes they’re intrigued by and circle phone numbers and other important information.

The Results Outweigh the Costs

It can be tempting to choose to use digital marketing over print purely because of costs. However, it’s the ongoing exposure that really makes printed marketing, such as brochures, worthwhile. 

Unlike a digital brochure, a physical copy can be left in plain sight. Whether it’s on the coffee table, kitchen counter or bedside, it’s always ready and waiting to be picked up and perused. The brochure can be taken on a train commute to work, shown to friends or family and even passed on. It’s the long-lasting impact that really makes print stand out from digital.

It’s important for prospective buyers to be able to really imagine themselves in the home they’re looking at. With a brochure, they can flick through the pages with their family, talk about who can have which room, imagine spending Christmas with their loved ones around. If it’s a newlywed couple, can they imagine themselves bringing up their family there? 

Tangible marketing brings up these emotions and enables readers to envision themselves in the homes pictured in your housing brochure. Discuss with us today how we can help you do this with your next housing brochure.

Choose Eco-friendly Print 

A concern that some companies have about print is the effects on the environment and the fear that your company may be seen as environmentally carefree. However, the majority of consumers understand that paper is recyclable and is a sustainable source, as long as it’s managed effectively.

Plus, by choosing a printer who uses only Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper, you can be assured that the stock is ethically sourced and sustainable

We love working with brands like Nest, who share our passion for caring for our planet, they chose Carbon Balanced Print for their brochure. Nest said: "As a company, if there is an option available to reduce our carbon footprint and offset emissions, this is sure to be of interest. It was an easy decision to work with one of only a few Carbon Balanced Printers in the UK and take advantage of this service."


Discover How To Bring Your Housing Brochure Ideas To Life

If you have ideas for your upcoming brochure, but you’re not sure what exactly you need, contact us today. We work with businesses to create something synonymous with their brand, taking what makes them special and turning it into something tangible for consumers to take away.

Our expertise can ensure your next printed marketing campaign is successful. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you. 

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Best of Green
Printing Tips

You’re probably well aware of the growing importance and demand of eco-friendly products.

Modern technology has made these kinds of items increasingly cheaper to produce and more visually appealing. They’re a great way of lowering your business’ environmental impact - but how exactly do you produce the best kind of print using these methods?

Our checklist will give you the best advice for creating an impactful sustainable print solution.