The Top Marketing Trends of 2019 and How to Jump Onboard

The fast-paced world of marketing is continuously developing so it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends. The need for marketing is obviously crucial, but so is jumping on the relevant trends to stay ahead of the competition. It’s one thing to know what’s hot in the industry but it’s another to implement them in your own marketing strategy.

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Explore the marketing trends of 2019:

Chatbots and AI

Chatbots are already widely in use and you may have come across them previously on Facebook or Google’s assistant. Chances are, you’ll be seeing them a lot more. Everything from providing sales qualified leads to automating basic customer support functions can be taken care of by a handy chatbot on your site.

This form of artificial intelligence is transforming how people interact with brands and services. A survey has shown that 47% of users are open to the idea of purchasing items through a bot.

They essentially allow businesses to provide 24/7 online support. Also, they eliminate end users from going through contact forms for a simple question that can be automated and streamlines the sales process.

Bots allow users to get personalised, focused interaction and information without taking much of the sales and marketing teams’ time. Although the software behind them is complex, this useful marketing tool can be implemented fairly easily.

Here are some tips for getting started:

  • Start easy with a bot software like Botsify. Botsify lets you build one free Facebook Messenger chatbot without anything technical and it’s perfect for chatbot newbies. It uses simple drag and drop templates and the application takes only five minutes to get your bot up and running. It also provides helpful tools such as message scheduling and analytics.
  • Giving your chatbot a unique name and greeting can make the customer’s experience memorable.
  • Evaluate and optimise your bot regularly so you can provide the best experience for your customers and ensure they’re getting the right answers.


It’s essential to include video in your marketing strategy - this isn’t a new thing. What has evolved though is the importance of video on every platform and channel.

A Facebook executive predicted that the platform will all be video in less than five years. It’s dominating all social sites and there’s no reason you can’t be contributing. You don’t need an expensive camera and editing software to create compelling content.

In fact, the more unedited and raw it is, the more authentic the content seems.

Creating video is simpler and cheaper than ever. From demo videos to case studies, here are some suggestions for adding video to your marketing strategy.

  • Most of us have a phone with a camera in our pocket, there’s no reason you can’t start there.
  • Getting your team onboard and comfortable from the beginning will help create personalised content for your business.
  • Start by filming simple and short videos to use on social media. With the addition of stories to Facebook and Instagram, your team can be eased onto being on camera in short bursts.

Content Marketing

What really highlights the importance of content marketing is the reputation building qualities of great, educational content. It’s crucial to build trust with not only existing customers but potential ones too.

Establishing your brand as one of the leading experts in your industry will mean potential leads will value what you have to say. The more value you can provide, the more likely somebody is to go back to your content.

Content marketing helps to improve conversions because it allows you to connect and educate your leads and customers. Not only are you working to build trust and relationships, but you’re also supporting conversions by giving consumers the information they need to make an educated purchasing decision.

Creating content is inexpensive and highly effective. It’s important to know who your target audience is and what they might be searching for. What are their pain points and what do they need to know about your services before they buy?

Get started by implementing these tips into your content marketing:

  • Publish blogs on different topics that are relevant to your target audience. This gives you more opportunity to rank for keywords that your target audience is searching for.
  • Position yourself as an expert in the industry. When it comes to making a purchase, customers will remember you.
  • Upload regularly as readers may come to expect your next blog post.

Personalised Email Marketing

With all these new and exciting ways to market, it’s crucial to still utilise email. Ditch generic marketing emails as they aren’t as effective as they once were - it’s personalisation that piques interest now.

When you can tie your email marketing to something specific, such as a user browsing a particular product on your site and then you following up with a testimonial of somebody using that product in a personalised email, this can be very effective.

Email is often the final push towards action, so make them memorable.Here are three ways you can add personalisation in your next email campaign:

  • Simply by including your prospect’s name in the subject line makes them 26% more likely to open it.
  • Send tailored content and offers which reflect their stage in their buyer's journey.
  • Whether you sell a service, product or anything in between, recommendations of things to consider and purchase next can be effective.

Print and Digital Duo

You may be surprised to know that people are 70% more likely to recall a business seen in print compared to online. This combination deserves to be a marketing trend of 2019.

Print shows authority and allows the customer to have something tangible that they can connect with. Digital, on the other hand, offers flexible and creative content which can include other marketing elements like audio. Marrying digital and print for your campaign helps your brand be considered more credible.

Finding the perfect blend between print and digital can help you realise the true value of the quality of printed products. Try something different with your email and printed mail messaging that allows you to educate clients and revolve the process around them.

Not convinced? Here’s proof that combining the two can achieve great results.

Here’s some insider knowledge when it comes to aligning your print and digital marketing efforts:

  • It’s important to make sure that the same tone and message deliver a unified brand across all mediums.
  • Include your online detailed on all printed marketing to drive traffic to your social media accounts and website.
  • Time your email and print marketing together to build brand awareness.

Be Ahead Of The Market

Now that you’re aware of the marketing trends in 2019, there’s no time like the present to get onboard and start implementing them in your campaigns and strategies. You may know everything about the face of marketing this year but there are still lots of brilliant marketing tips you should know about.

Marketing is always changing, be ahead of the curve by joining the BeBrilliant Club for helpful and regular tips when it comes to your marketing game.

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