Carbon balanced paper is an initiative which offsets carbon emissions from your office paper use and print marketing. World Land Trust (WLT) — an international conservation charity — facilitates carbon balancing by preserving high conservation-value forestry.
You may already use Carbon Balanced Paper and feel you’re doing your part for a more sustainable future. However, you can improve the sustainability of your print process even further by using Carbon Balanced Print.
As consumers want greener products and processes, working with businesses that offer Carbon Balanced Print is vital.
What Is Carbon Balanced Print?
Your business achieves Carbon Balanced Print when using Carbon Balanced Paper on a Carbon Balanced Printer. Your print marketing communications will have a low but unavoidable carbon impact, but carbon balancing your print jobs will reduce these emissions.
This blog post will take a closer look at World Land Trust and four brilliant reasons why Carbon Balanced Print is so essential.
- Carbon Balanced Print Offsets Emissions
- Commit to Sustainable Work
- Carbon Balanced Print Enhances Your Brand
- Preserve Endangered Species and Conservation
1. Carbon Balanced Print Offsets Emissions
Carbon Balancing is the process of estimating the carbon emissions of a product and preventing the equivalent amount from being released or absorbing it from the atmosphere — known as sequestration. Carbon Balancing is all facilitated by World Land Trust.
WLT’s Carbon Balanced programme offsets carbon emissions generated by products or activities to conserve important forestry.
2. Commit to Sustainable Work
A certified Carbon Balanced Printer measures, reduces and offsets the unavoidable CO₂ emissions from their print operations.
You’ll do the right thing for the planet, so your business and Earth can soak up the benefits.
When printing on Carbon Balanced Paper, these certified printers offer a Carbon Balanced Print solution and provide a unique registered Carbon Balanced Print logo for inclusion on the job. This logo is ideal for any brands that want to show their audience that they work as sustainably as possible.
3. Carbon Balanced Print Enhances Your Brand
Carbon Balanced Paper means the production and distribution process of paper has been balanced by the World Land Trust. However, a Carbon Balanced Printer provides a much stronger offering and helps protect even more natural environments.
Carbon Balancing your print reduces your carbon impact and enhances your brand. The World Land Trust Carbon Balanced Print logo you receive as a result will demonstrate your commitment to reducing your carbon impact.
You’ll also get a certificate detailing the amount of CO₂ balanced and the area of land protected due to your choice to Carbon Balance.
4. Preserve Endangered Species and Conservation
By using Carbon Balanced Paper, you’ll help protect the 42 endangered species that inhabit Vietnam’s Khe Nuoc Trong — such as the Southern White-cheeked Gibbon and Orlov’s Treefrog — and also protect the forests under looming threat.
With this switch, you lock in the carbon that would otherwise be released, ensuring the continued absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Using Carbon Balanced Paper is undoubtedly a kinder decision for the planet. With Carbon Balanced Print, you can do more to continue your commitment to the planet and make your print process greener.
The Next Steps Toward Eco-Friendly Print
If you want to improve your print methods, download our Sustainable Printing Checklist.
As we’re one of only 31 Carbon Balanced printers in the UK, we provide actionable advice on alternative processes and how to make your printing more eco-friendly and green. The more you can tick off, the more you’re doing to keep our forests thriving.
Click below to download your free copy today.