With so many different print management companies to choose from, it’s difficult to know if you’ve made the right decision when you finally make your choice. To put your mind at ease, here are seven signs that you’re working with the right print company.
Are You Working With the Right Print Management Company?
- A Wide Range of Products
- Fast and Reliable Turnaround
- They Invest in the Latest Tech
- Offer More Than Just Printing
- Eco-Friendly
- Dedicated Customer Service
- Happy to Show You Their Previous Work
A Wide Range of Products
The best print companies offer a wide variety of products and can provide anything that you might need. Whether it’s large format printing or mass printing of newsletters, the company you’re working with should be able to handle any print project you throw at them.
Although it's better to have a wider range of products, keep in mind that they shouldn’t have a quantity over quality view when it comes to their services. Whatever it is they’re working on, they should still offer the same high-quality and professional products.
Fast and Reliable Turnaround
Print projects usually involve tight deadlines that can’t be missed. If you’re regularly finding that the print company you’re working with are pushing back deadlines, then it’s time to find an alternative with a proven track record.
They might offer fantastic prices and their work is of the highest quality, but if it’s taking them weeks when they promised you days, then it’s incredibly frustrating. You don’t want to be dealing with unhappy clients or miss out on valuable marketing opportunities because it’s taking your print company three times longer than it should.
They Invest in the Latest Tech
Striving to innovate with the latest technology should be a feature you look for in all of the partners your business has. It shows that they actively want to embrace new technologies that will improve the services they offer to you.
The latest technologies, such as LED UV printing, can help print companies to meet the growing needs of their customers and stand out from the competition. If businesses have difficult problems that need solving, then the print companies with the better tech are more likely to be in a position to help.
Offer More Than Just Printing
All print management companies will offer standard print services to their clients, but the very best can provide more services that their clients might need. Everything from design to distribution can be useful to businesses and set the print company apart from their competitors.
Before you commit to a print company, you should determine their capabilities to see what they can and can’t do for you in the future. Their website might be very different to the reality, so it’s worth visiting the print company to see their services yourself.
Consumers are more aware of their impact on the environment than ever. They want the businesses they work with to be as eco-friendly as possible which is why it’s so important to work with a print company that’s committed to being green.
The print industry, in particular, can negatively impact the environment if print processes aren’t carefully managed. ISO and FSC certificates are good indicators that you’ve chosen to work with a print company that’s taking the necessary steps to reduce its harmful effect on the environment.
Dedicated Customer Service
If your print company doesn’t put its customers first, then they aren’t the right one for you. They should go the extra mile to ensure all print projects are on time, on budget and 100 percent to your satisfaction.
Think about how quickly they respond to communication, how they resolve issues you have and whether or not you’d recommend the print company to a business colleague.
The answers to these questions will be a good indicator of whether or not they’re meeting your customer service expectations.
Happy to Show You Their Previous Work
Whether it’s online reviews from other clients or case studies that show off their past projects, you should be able to view their previous work to get an idea of the level of quality they provide.
If they’re reluctant to show you these things or the examples they do show are from years ago, then it’s time to find a print company that’s transparent and honest about the work they’ve carried out.
Not Sure You’re With the Right Company?
If this blog has left you a little concerned that you’ve made the wrong choice when deciding on a print management company to work with, then it’s important to consider your options. B&B Press has been providing high-quality and bespoke print management services for the last 60 years.
To find out about the services we can offer and how you can start your journey to greener print, download our free checklist.