There are now around 10,500 print management companies in the UK, so finding the perfect one to work with can be a challenge. Before signing on any dotted lines, take the opportunity to talk to a potential print company to get an idea of what a working relationship with them will be like.
Here are nine key questions to ask a printing company to make sure you choose the right one.
Top Questions to Ask a Print Company
- What Services Do You Offer?
- Is Everything Done In-House?
- Do You Invest in the Latest Tech?
- What Are Their Turnaround Times Like?
- Are There Similar Print Projects You Can Take a Look At?
- What Makes Them Different?
- Are They Green?
- Will They Disagree With You?
- Will They Carry Out Bespoke Requests?
What Services Do You Offer?
You’re hardly going to commit to a partnership with a print company without knowing exactly what they can do for you, but it’s still important to find out the full range of services that they can provide.
Do they offer everything you need from a print company? Litho, digital and large format printing are just some of the services that B&B Press offer, for example. But we also provide our clients with mailing, storage and print distribution to ensure their changing needs are met.
Is Everything Done In-House?
You might take a tour of the print company and be impressed by their tech, staff and the previous work they’ve carried out for other clients. They’ve given a fantastic first impression and you can’t wait to get started.
But, further down the line, you realise the quality of the work isn’t quite up to the standard you thought it would be. This could be because they’ve outsourced your project to a smaller company to cope with their workload. If you agree to work with one company, you shouldn’t receive the services from another.
Ask the printing company you’re considering working with if they carry out all of their work themselves.
Do You Invest in the Latest Tech?
Print companies that invest and innovate are better partners to have in the long-term. They’re more likely to embrace industry improvements that ultimately make their products and services better.
Working with a print company that’s stagnating and stuck in their ways can lead to work that looks outdated compared to printers that switch to new and improved technology.
What Are Their Turnaround Times Like?
Print projects usually have tight deadlines that need to be met, so content and designs have to be finalised well in advance. Then it’s up to the printers who turn your plans into the finished product.
You need to work with a reliable print company who’s able to meet your deadlines and provide quick turnaround times so that your project isn’t delayed. If they regularly leave their clients waiting and frustrated, then they aren’t the right one for you.
Are There Similar Print Projects You Can Take a Look At?
Ask to see case studies or testimonials so you have an idea of the work they’ve carried out in the past. See if the examples they show you are of a similar scale to your business. If they’ve only ever worked on small projects, then you might need to look for a print company that’s better equipped to deal with your requirements.
Also, take note of how long ago the examples they show you are from. Ideally, you should see something recent so you can gauge their current capabilities. If you’re shown case studies from years ago, then their current work might not be up to scratch.
What Makes Them Different?
You’re looking for a creative and professional print company to work with, so you should ask them what makes them special. Why are they the right choice and printing company to work with?
You’ll probably hear the same answers about quality and customer service, but it’s a good insight into a company’s culture and work ethic.
Are They Green?
A print company that’s taken significant steps to reduce its impact on the environment is one you should work with. A commitment to being green shows they’re progressive, eco-friendly and considerate.
With the environment becoming a key issue for consumers, it’s important to avoid working with a print company that’s doing nothing to reduce the harmful effects it has on the world around it.
Will They Disagree With You?
If a print company knows that a request you’ve made is problematic or there are ways of achieving better results, but they say nothing, then they aren’t the right choice for your business.
The last thing you want is a printing company that will just say yes to your requests, even if they’re just plain awful. In addition to the print services, you’re looking for a partner that has your best interests at heart. Occasionally, they’ll disagree with you but you’ll find the finished results are a lot better for it and it’s a sign you’ve found the right print company.
Will They Carry Out Bespoke Requests?
One of the most important questions to ask printing companies is how they’ll deal with any bespoke jobs you have for them. Are they restricted by their equipment and templates or will they find a way to carry out unusual, custom projects you might need doing?
It’s always better to work with printers that see a difficult problem as a challenge to overcome, rather than those that see it as impossible and not worth their time.
Meet the B&B Press Team and Ask Away
We’re on hand to answer these questions and any others you might have when you’re choosing a printing company to work with.
The future is green and B&B Press are here to ensure your next project does it part for the environment. To help we've put together a free green checklist.